My general reaction to this piece was that it was a very easy and fun reading. I liked it because I could relate to it alot. When she talked about her friends not being able to understand her mother made me think of my grandma because she is from Poland and has a very strong accient and most of my friends cant understand her at all, but my friends from gradschool who have known her longer understand her a lot better. I ofcourse can complelty understand her 100 percent because I grew up with her allwyas talking to me. Also the part where Amy had to pretneced she was her mother so people woulnt ingore her or preternd not her hear here made me think of times when my bobcia goes out on family dinners to resultants, we have to order for her because usually they dont understand her accient. This piece made me relize that people today who are faced with different nationalities and accents dont really care or try to help them out when it comes to situations that might take them a little bit longer to handle, the part where Mrs. Tan went to the hospital to get a CT scan for her brain really made me sad to think that they would just pretend they lost her so she couldn't get the results right away. Overall I really enjoyed reading this because it really related to me and I could see alot of myself in Amy.
One part that I tahguht was very interesting was when she talked about how most Asian orientated people go into math and sciences because their language is known as more "broken" or not as good. So I liked how she wanted to strive harder to break that stereotype. It also made me think if that is why I enjoy math and science more than writing because when I was younger I was allways arround my grandma who you could say had "broken" English.
As far as the argument part of this piece I would say she did a great job having examples of how she has became a better writer by trying her best to becoming a great writer.
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