Chapter four was very useful to writing my paper because It had many different ways to approach our first draft. Organization was one of the big parts that would contribute most to me because I allays needed help with the structure of my papers. One thing I thought that was interesting was when they talked about writing the first part of your paper three different ways. This would be very helpful to me because I have trouble starting my papers and if I did it differently it would be easier to pick what one sounds best. The quick tips for controlling quotes that involved grafting, splicing and sandwiching quotes were helpful to hear about because I am used to just the normal quotation and not doing other things with them. So far this book is very helpful because it is telling us tricks and steps to take of creating a better paper. Some questions that I had were about weather or not to use "I".
Chapter four did have interesting ways to approach our first draft. Structure of papers is really important, and I know from my papers it is really easy to start writing all over the place. The whole chapter had really good tips for starting your papers and writing them in general. The part about quotes I found helpful too since in high school we didn’t really have to do anything with quotes besides use them and cite them.