Tuesday, October 18, 2011

QW 10-18-11

I have actually already started doing one of these things and it is very useful. In my initial research I had read two or so paragraphs and then I would write about my thoughts and some ideas I had about the subject in my head. I liked that it said that it would make things go more efficiently in the long run. That is what appealed to me so I figured I would try it. It also makes reading the articles more enjoyable. The reading also talked a lot about citations but I had learned a lot about citations in previous classes.


  1. I did kinda the same thing. When I was doing my paper I would read my articles and try to highlight (if it was a copy) and take notes. This helped my paraphrase the text so that when I went to write I already had some sentences written. It also helped me stay awake. Not going to lie, some of those science articles can get pretty boring.

  2. yeah, I realized that when I look at the material better and focus on getting the most important stuff down on paper, it really does help in the long run because when I read something with out taking notes I don't understand or remember it in the future, this is a really efficient way to understanding text better as well as helping you paraphrase the material.
