An argument is discussing your opinion over other opinions to find out new ideas and information. An argument isn't always trying to say that your opinion is correct, you may just be trying to find out more and a particular subject. A persuasion is trying to convince an audience that your opinion or idea is correct.
In a cv or resume people try to argue that you are what they are looking for. They list many assets they have to build up their argument that they are right for the job. This could be past employment, years of experience and interests in particular fields.
I agree with your opinions on argument and persuasion. I too think that argument isn't always trying to prove your right, but it's about finding more on a subject. Persuasion is definitely trying to get someone to believe what you believe. I really like your definition of what a CV or resume can do. I like that you stated you have to build up your argument to show you are right for the job.