Question 1:
It's really impressive to me how Malcolm X immediately solved his problem and frustrations of not being able to communicate well. Copying the dictionary sounds really extreme to me, but I guess I understand his actions if his vocabulary was that limited. In high school, I had an incident where I wasn't able to express fully what I wanted to get across to others. We were having class debates, which I'm usually pretty good at. But my opponent had a list of points and she was firing one after another at me, and I completely froze. My responses weren't very educated, and they were based more on emotion. I couldn't keep up with her vocabulary enough to make a decent counterargument. I lost the debate really quickly. I had all the thoughts in my head, but I just couldn't spit them out into something formal and logical. Although my incident is a lot less extreme, it still is similar to Malcolm's issue and frustrations.
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