He is saying that 3 billion people have acess to the web but then he says that 1.5 billion have personal websites leaving one reader for every website. im not really sure where he is getting this from. the nubers he gave don't add up. then he goes on to say that most of the matarial on the web has no veiwers yet he just said that every page has one.
as far as his point goes i dont think that will become a real problem because there is always going to be that human curiosity causing people to want to learn and exchange ideas. Its kindof like what the speaker on TED was talking about when he brought up the coffee house. The larger the web the more that ideas are going to mingle and create better ideas and move things forward.
I agree, I think this wasn't thought through all the way. For instance there are websites nowadays where you pick your interests and it randomly sends you to a website that was picked by your interests. So more and more websites are being looked at. Also if you go by what he says about how 1.5 billion out of 3 billion have a webpage then I am pretty sure that the majority of each web page has been viewed more than 4 times.