Ad Hominem - I can avoid doing this by just sticking to my argument. Attacking people who don't believe student teacher relations will not strengthen my point at all.
Stereotyping -I will only deal with a specific group of people.
Faulty Sampling - When I use data, I will only use it if its credible. I won't cheat by skewing my data.
Sweeping Generalizations - I will use words like Most, and Some. They are effective and also don't make it seem like i'm talking about everyone.
False Dilema - I will bring different arguments besides just "For" and "Against".
Post Hoc - I will avoid making assumptions when It comes to student and teacher relationships.
I found that your solutions to the issues were very similar to mine. You might also avoid the Ad Hominem fallacy by not getting to personal about the opposition. Hope your paper goes well.