Tuesday, November 29, 2011

quick write 11/29

As of right now my topic for the paper is going to be: An argument about why student teachers are more helpful than professors.

1. Ad Hominem - I can avoid this by not attacking someone who thought that a professor was more help because I do not think they are a good person.
2. Stereotyping - I won't make accusations like how all professors are old or something that doesn't help my point of helpfulness.
3. Faulty sampling - If I want to use data I will make sure that it is a reliable sample. If they only interviewed ten people, the sample isn't very good.
4. Sweeping Generalizations - I have to be careful not to include an "everyone" statement, because some people may not prefer student teachers over professors.
5. False Dilemma - This one I will have to actually think about while writing my paper because I can't really see it being a problem so it will probably sneak in there.
6. Post hoc/Ergo Propter Hoc - There will be many examples of student teachers and professors, so I have to be careful not to create a cause and effect scenario for my reasons.

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