Tuesday, November 29, 2011

QW 11-29-11

The Greek phalanx was effective in the defensive position where it could be unstoppable in the right atmosphere. The three main points are : It didn’t allow the enemy to get in close combat unless the formation broke, The armor was tough and nearly impenetrable and the shield was large and used to protect much of the body, and The formation didn’t leaves open gaps for penetration.
Ad hominem: I will give forth the opposing arguments and explain why they are not credible.
Stereotypes: I will prevent saying all or none type statements.
Faulty Sampling: I use many examples and not just one example to create a depth to my argument.
Sweeping Generalizations: I qualified my argument in the thesis and throughout the paper.
Either or Fallacy: In the thesis, I made sure to add that "in the right environment" to make sure that I am not saying that they are always unstoppable.
Post hoc: I will make sure not to assume that just because the Greeks used the Phalanx formation in a battle that they won, that that is the reason they won the battle.

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