Tuesday, September 13, 2011

About Me

Hey everyone,

My name is Douglas Rozman but I have been called Dugan my entire life. It's kind of an interesting Irish name I guess and my mom always liked it but she didn't think it was a "formal" enough name at the time so my parents named me Douglas. I was born in Royal Oak, Michigan, and I attended University of Detroit Jesuit High School, U of D High for short. In high school I played 4 years of soccer, a year of baseball, and then 2 years of lacrosse. I'm currently rushing Fiji and on an IM soccer team at MSU. I chose Michigan State because one, I didn't try hard enough in high school to get into U of M; and two, I was really good friends with all of the guys that left U of D and came to Michigan State so I figured everyone there had to be somewhat like them. I am studying premed right now and have dreams to hopefully become an anesthesiologist.

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