I found a page on ehow.com that explains how they are generally set up
Title the document "Lebenslauf." Then type the title of the first section, "Persönliche Daten" or "Angaben zur Person" (personal information). In this section, include your first and last name, date of birth, marital status, citizen status, address and contact information. Each detail should be listed on its own line.
Title the next section "Schule" (school). In this section, list the schools you attended prior to college, including the location of and dates you attended each school. List schools in chronological order.
Title the next section "Studium" (higher education), and list colleges or universities you have attended. Include the location of and dates attended for each school, as well as your major, grade point average and degrees earned. Write these in chronological order.
List your previous job experience in the next section, "Berufserfahrung" or "Berufspraxis" (job experience). Include the location of each job, your position, responsibilities and the dates you were employed. Order this section from less recent to most recent.
Title the next section "Sprachkenntnisse" and list any foreign languages you know.
Create a section titled "Zusatzqualifikationen" and list your qualifications.
Write your name and contact information on the back of a passport-style photo. Then attach the photo to the upper right corner of the Lebenslauf, using a paper clip.
Type the date and your current location in the bottom left corner of the Lebenslauf. Then proofread the document. After printing your Lebenslauf, sign the bottom right corner of the last page, next to the date and location.
Read more: How to Write a German CV | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_6870205_write-german-cv.html#ixzz1Y3M3v6QF
In Russia there are a few changes to the typical United States resume. One thing they include is how many languages you know and how many places you have lived. Another area they are interested in was your computer literacy.
- Jeff Morton
I really like this post. It was put together very well and contained interesting points.