Helpful: I think the part when he talks about the "Five-Week-Plan"was really helpful. Normally I am that kind of person that does everything at the latest point possible, because I think I just need the time pressure to force myself doing something. I hope i can force myself to try to stick to this plan as much as possible so I can write a good paper.
Problematic: The part with the heading: "Thinking like an Academic Writer" confused me more than it actually helped. In my opinion you do not have to think like an academic writer in order to do well on a paper. Of course you are writing a research paper about a certain topic, bacause you want to know more about it, but you should already know some answers about the topic and I dont think my "Inquiry beginns with questions", but with collecting everything I know about a topic and then confirming and adding additional information to it.
I'm the same way when it comes to writing papers. I can't seem to force myself into writing until the time constraint does. I always feel like one of these times it's going to bite me in the butt...but so far it hasn't.