Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Quickwrite 11/1

Chapter 5 talked about the importance of revision and "re-researching". it seems like such a hard task to do because all we want to do is be done with this paper. but reading through the chapter showed me that even last minute proofreading and revisions can greatly help the paper's final grade. even though we have developed a "relationship" with the draft we must make changes and be able to let go.
on a side note, thank God were done with this book because i have never had to read such a monotonous gathering of ink and pages.


  1. Totally agree. That book was kind of garbage. It did have some useful tips, like the proofreading, but i was planning on doing that anyway. I just want to get done with this paper, not read someone else's research paper. His papers were crap too.

  2. I agree as well. Most of the stuff he was saying was obvious stuff that we all know. The only thing I got out of this chapter was that we have to make changes, and let go of our material.
