Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blogpost Tuesday, October 4

Logic 2 & 3.

The author spends this writing criticizing automated message machines, saying that they cause more frustration and inconvenience than they do actual good. His argument is that, because I have to navigate a web of questions that might not apply to my actual question, I am actually wasting time, when I could be talking directly to a person who could answer it.

However, the opposition might say that they do help save time, as those people who are actually there to answer real questions can use these automated machines to filter out questions such as business hours, or holiday hours, things that could just be answered by a computer, instead of a person.

Both side make a great point, and I think that both sides are right. You do need real people there to answer questions that are complicated, or don't fit general guidelines, however, automated message machines are useful for some things. Just have an option on the main screen that allows you to talk to a person directly, and everyone would be happy.

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