Thursday, October 20, 2011
Quickwrite 10/20
This chapter first starts out with a great opening line, "It is not 2am." This is just a relief to hear, and it's good not to be rushing. It also confronts the problem of when you should say I. It taught me how to use the word I, without being prejudice towards my topic. Since i have never used an interview before in my essay, it was nice to see an example.
Quickwrite 10/20
This chapter has really helped me with actually getting started on my paper. For me there has always been a lag time between my research and my actual paper, but this chapter has helped with getting an introduction down and starting to organize all my research.
Quickwrite 10/20
In Chapter 4 I learned a very valuable tip that I will carry over into my paper. Frequently on previous papers I end with "In conclusion," or "Thus" and by doing this reading I now know how that is one thing you greatly want to avoid in an ending of a research paper. It is also important to avoid endings that fade into other topics.
Quickwrite 10/20
Chapter 4 has probably been the most valuable chapter for me so far in this book. Especially the structure for exploring chart on page 151. I mean almost everybody knows how to search for stuff in the internet or in a library, but for me it is really hard to get started with the actual paper and I think this outline of how to write a draft is really helpful and I will definitely use it when I actually start writing my paper.
Quickwrite 10/20
One thing I took away from chapter four of The Curious Researcher was the passage on interesting introductions. I really liked the way they gave examples of interesting starts to a paper, like through dialogue or story-telling. However, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to start a paper in an 'interesting' or 'exciting' way since it's supposed to be a scientific research paper. So even though I really liked the ideas the book gave me, I don't know if they're applicable to my paper.
Quickwrite 10/20
I thought that Chapter 4 was very helpful in how to sharpen your thesis so it directly relates to your topic. In my paper i think it would be best if i used a thesis from my hypothesis. It argues that the information you have researched helps prove the topic you've decided on, which is exactly what i plan on doing. This chapter was also helpful because it aids on starting the process of writing your paper, a place where i always run into trouble. Ballinger states many ways in which one can write an interesting lead to have a really strong introduction to your research. His mention about citing sources, adding quotations and ending your paper really will help the biggest chunk of the rough draft process.
quickwrite 10/20
One thing that I will take from the reading from chapter 4 of the research book will be the importance of a clear cut thesis statement. There was a section that really stressed how refining your thesis statement will greatly benefit you because it is essentially a preview of your paper in one sentence. Some of the tips given were that it is important to know when you want to have an arguable thesis statement or not depending on the type of paper. It is also important to not let the statement be too broad or obvious. The statement should be directly related to your topic without any misleading or unnecessary information.
Blogpost 10/20
Chapter four talked about writing a rough draft for your paper and how to set it up. One thing that was useful to me was how Ballenger said to write three different beginnings. That way your paper could have three different possible outcomes and you could see which one you liked best. I think it would be helpful to me because many times i will start writing a paper and not like were the paper is going, but i have to keep pushing through it because there isn't enough time. I could begin three different ways and save a lot of time.
quickpost 10/20
I thought the section about writing a good ending was helpful because I have always struggled with this part of a paper. I usually will just repeat what I had already stated throughout the paper. I especially liked the idea of returning to the beging of the paper and using the ideas of what you discussed to support or disprove what you originally stated.
Quickwrite 10/20
One thing I'll take away from chapter 4 is to write an interesting introduction that's different than the traditional one I've used in almost every single high school paper. Instead of trying to state everything I'm going to cover throughout my paper in the intro paragraph, I need to make it so the readers have something to discover in the body of the paper. If I put it all in the intro, it'll be super predictable and bland. Also, I need to be careful if I ever use the word "I" in my paper. I can't sound egocentric, and I probably shouldn't even use the word in the first place since I'm quoting other people and using their work in about 80% of the paper. But it's something to look out for, since I'm used to using phrases like "I feel that..." and "I believe...."
Chapter 4 Ballenger
I learned that the lead is the most important part of your paper. You want the first part of your paper to be a great opening for your research paper. It also talks about how some say the beginning of your paper is like getting 90% of your paper out of the way. This helped me out because I was stressing out about my paper, but now that I got the introduction done i know how to work off if it and know where to work next.
quickwrite 10/20 ch 4 ballenger
chapter 4 discussed the usefulness of spacing your working time out over an extended period (i.e. weeks or months). i find myself one of those last-minute people but with larger projects i use my time wisely. the section about what kind of paper your writing helped me better understand the direction i am going with my paper. as of now my paper is more of an exploratory essay with bits and pieces of argument present.
Curious Researcher Chapter 4 10/20/11
The Delayed Thesis Structure is quite a helpful tool that narrows my ideas and creates a solid thesis. Questions in the delayed thesis structure that help you form a thesis include: WHat do i want to know? What has already been said? What are my thoughts about what has been said? What do I know now that I didn't understand before? and What one thing do I most want to say about what I now understand. These questions create are key in creating a great thesis
QW 10-20-11
In chapter four one of the first things Ballenger mentions as a problem while doing research is running into conflicting ideas. In the research paper about Shostakovich, there is a lot of conflicting viewpoints about the double meanings in his music. Some musicologists believe that Shostakovich was intentionally writing with two meanings, while others believe that it is just people looking too far into his music. As you can see, I am writing about an extremely conflicting topic, so I will run into these controversies often in my research.
Chapter 4 Blogpost
One thing I learned from the chapter is to refrain from saying "I". If you keep saying things like "I think" or "I feel" it makes the paper sound a lot more informal and unprofessional. This is very critical to our 3rd paper because our opinion is essentially irrelevant when it comes to our topic. If we were writing in argumentative paper, using "I" would weaken the argument you are trying to prove. You have to be assertive and confident in what you are preaching.
QuickWrite 10/20
Chapter four has been one of the most useful chapters that I have read thus far. Some of my biggest problems in writing a paper is diving right into it. This chapter explained different techniques of how to start a draft and create a high quality thesis statement. Writing a well developed theses has been one of biggest weaknesses in my writing. Other important aspects that I took from this chapter were how to write to my audience and keep them reading past the introduction. This chapter gave me useful tips on how to keep my paper interesting right from the start and I am definitely going to take notes from this passage to help prepare me for the start of my paper.
Quickwrite 10/20
I really found the part about writing to your audience interesting. I really struggle with that. This paper might be especially hard for me because your not writing for just anyone. You are writing to people who know your field and will know if you mess up. I guess in a way this is good because it means that you already know who your audience is before you write the paper. Knowing that will give you hints on how you should write it and will lead you in the direction you should be following to write a successful paper. But it's also a challenge when you're just a person learning about your field and you're writing to people that know your field in and out.
Quickwrite 10/20
Something that I took from Chapter 4 that will contribute to my 3rd paper is how to develop my first draft. What interests me the most is the S.O.F.T idea which means to "say one frickin thing". Once I figure out what my S.O.F.T is, it will help give me a good start to my writing. Another thing that Ballenger stressed in this chapter was to not wait until the night before to write the paper and I will definitely plan on spreading out my work for this paper.
quick write 10/20
In this chapter I found the delayed thesis structure to be helpful. This method helps you to identify and understand the things you were confused about in your topic. Since it is asking questions it really focuses in on making sure you really know what you will be talking about. It will help to simplify your writing and get your points across easier. My favorite question in this structure is, "What one thing do I most want to say about what I now understand?" This question gives you the main point for your paper that you can then expand on throughout the rest of it.
QR 10/20/11
Chapter four was very useful to writing my paper because It had many different ways to approach our first draft. Organization was one of the big parts that would contribute most to me because I allays needed help with the structure of my papers. One thing I thought that was interesting was when they talked about writing the first part of your paper three different ways. This would be very helpful to me because I have trouble starting my papers and if I did it differently it would be easier to pick what one sounds best. The quick tips for controlling quotes that involved grafting, splicing and sandwiching quotes were helpful to hear about because I am used to just the normal quotation and not doing other things with them. So far this book is very helpful because it is telling us tricks and steps to take of creating a better paper. Some questions that I had were about weather or not to use "I".
Quickwriting 10/20
In this chapter, i earned lots of information of writing draft and paper. Espectually, the author explained with some examples so i could understand easily. The most helpful information was that checking my paper or making any question on it. For example, does my paper have strong ending? or make readers interested?. Actually, i just checked my draft of paper after i read this book. and i realized that the introduction of my paper was not strong intro and the body and I planned to write strong intro and ending. I think thtat his book keeps helping me to write better paper
Quickwrite 10/20
Chapter 4 gave me a lot of tips on how to write a good conclusion. It told me how not to write a conclusion and how to write one. I realized I write my conclusions how you aren't supposed to. So as I was reading through I realized you aren't suppose to start with "In conclusion," because then it tells the reader that you are done. Also don't repeat what you just talked about in your entire paper.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Quickwrite 10/18
What i found most helpful from this chapter was Ballenger's description of how to interpret 3 different kinds of sources into my paper by quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing. I know that in my experience of writing papers i have found a sentence online and thought to myself 'hey thats a really interesting point.' I have tried to put it into my own word using a thesaurus and different wording, not realizing thats just plagiarism. If i had known back in those days that it was called paraphrasing and its actually a correct technique I'm sure my paper would have improved significantly. I know that in this paper i will have many ideas from other people that i will have to incorporate into my paper. He gave examples of using attribution tags which will come in handy because i find those to be often repetitive.
quick write 10/18
I will definitely use the note taking method where you print out a copy of the text and write your notes right on the page. I've never been really good at taking notes so i think this might be helpful. and im going to be very careful about plagerism because i tend to read somthing and tend to use the same wording when i go to write down the information without thinking about it.
Quickwrite 10/18
Chapter three was so far the most useful chapter. In this chapter he explains the most productive way to take notes. I like the idea of taking notes between the lines, its really productive efficent. He explains how its like having a conversation with the writer, this way you never take your eyes off the reading. Also asking yourself certain questions while reading can help you take quality notes. Plagiarism is brought up in this chapter. When in doubt use quotations!
Quickwrite 10/18
For me the most interesting and useful part of chapter three was, when Ballenger talked about how to become an active notetaker. I really used to just collect as much information about my topic as I can without writing down where I actually got the information from. When I continue looking for additional information, I will definitely try to keep track of where I get it from and to cite it correctly. This technique also helps you to organize the stuff you found interessting and helpful for your paper.
quick write 10/18
This chapter really helped to explain quoting and paraphrasing to me. In the past i have really only used quotes as a way of showing researched data, whether they were embedded or just sitting there and i think this chapter will help me move away from that so that i have a good mix of quotes and paraphrasing.
Quickwrite 10/18
I did not read chapter 3 I fell behind with the reading and will make this up and edit my blog post.
quickwrite 10/18 ballenger 3
this chapter addressed the importance of quoting and paraphrasing in papers. these two topics are essential in papers so as to avoid plagiarism and stealing others' ideas and using them as your own. i am not used to using other sources such as articles, books, or dissertations for finding ideas because my AP Lit class teacher had us use original ideas. He then told us if the ideas we came up with have already been used or not in study.
Quick Writing 10/18
On this chapter, i learned that how orgnize the middle of paper and using the information sources from internet, books, and internet. For using the sources, i need to do put quotations and workcited. Also the exmples and some exercises in this chapter were very helpful to understand. I`m still working on writing and reseaserching the sources and these advises and infromation would be helpful for writing rest of the paper.
Quickwrite 10/18
One thing I will take from this chapter of The Curious Researcher is the passage on quoting and paraphrasing. I hope to apply this to my paper helps avoid plagarism, obviously, but also because on occassion I find paraphrasing difficult. I recently turned in a Zoology paper and my teacher commented on how I quoted things, so I am hoping that the text in The Curious Researcher is helpful.
Chapter 3 Curious Researcher 10/18/11
One thing that I will take from chapter 3 and apply to my research paper is the DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL duhm, duhm, duhmmmmmm...
Its really just like notecards without all the hassle and cards flying everywhere. It makes it so i have to keep track of one or two pieces of paper rather than 100 notecards. I had never heard of this idea before but I'm quite glad it was presented in this book. Other than that i didn't take much from the chapter.
October 18th Blog Post
What I learned about chapter 3 is how important it is to not plagiarize. If you use someone else's work you absolutely have to cite it. It is so important that you can even be kicked out of the university because it is considered academic dishonesty. I also learned that it is useful to use different phrases in searching a topic. Switching up the way you type something into Google may give you different sources.
quickpost 10/18
In chapter 3 a passage that I thought was important was about paraphrasing. I have definitely paraphrased before they way that you are not supposed to by copying words directly from the passage that makes it look more plagiarized than paraphrased. I learned that it is ok the take key words rather phrases. Also even if you are paraphrasing you should still tag the author or actually site the source the quote you are paraphrasing. I used to never do this when paraphrasing in past research papers.
quick write 10/18
I really liked the section about plagiarism. Although I already know a lot about it, it was interesting to read and see helpful tips on how to avoid it. Sometimes you may be plagiarizing someone unintentionally, just because you did not cite correctly or you though you didn't need it there. I think the most helpful tip was for paraphrasing. Even if you word something slightly different, you need to give credit to the person who thought the idea up. I will make sure that I am constantly citing material I am using just to be careful because it is really easy to plagiarize, especially during research papers.
A useful thing that I got out of chapter 3 was the note-taking. Ballenger explained how if you take notes on your sources before you begin writing, you will have a lot more information to use and you will be able to paraphrase everything easier in your paper. He also said that it would help prevent plagiarism in your paper.
Tuesday, October 18 Quickwrite
The main thing that I took from chapter 3 was how to cite things properly. Other than talking about it briefly in my Senior English Class, I had no idea how to properly cite things. Now, I have a better understanding of how to do so, especially parenthetical citing.
quickwrite 10/18
One thing that I took from the 3rd chapter of the research book was the paraphrasing tips. I am going to be doing a ton of paraphrasing in my paper, so these helped a lot. It told me to use my own words to summarize what I read instead of quoting everything word for word. This will help me to not copy what the writer wrote originally. The summaries should be objective, and basically just capture the main idea of the quote.
QR: 10/18/11
Chapter three In the Curious Researcher really helped me find out how to paraphrase and what not to to do plagiarize. These helpful tips will help me in my paper because I was never thought the correct way to site my sources. I wasn't even aware that there were other forms of citations, for example I found out that my discipline requires APA format. There was one good the "say back technique" was helpful for me because it showed us how to paraphrase the correct way so you aren't plagiarizing. This chapter also had many examples of citations.
Blogpost 10/18
I will definitely use the double-entry journal way of note taking. I think it will be very useful for researching. It is when you write the source of the book or article your researching on the top of the page. Then you write a quote or section of the book on the left. On the right, you put your notes on that chunk of research. I think that it is an easy way of thinking about what your researching because then you can just take your notes and incorporate them into your paper. It is a great way to write down important things you know for sure you will use in your research paper.
Chapter 3 Ballengar
I learned a lot more about paraphrasing and how it's used. So if I need to use information from a source I can't just quote and cite everything. I need to paraphrase the information and then cite what I wrote down. Paraphrasing is taking what you read and writing it in your own words and understanding. Summarization has an effect with paraphrasing in the sense that when talking about a cited source you can shorten the topic up into a much more specific area.
QuickWrite 10/18
In chapter three I found that the details about note taking and formatting the middle of my paper were very helpful. The reminders about plagiarism and how to properly cite sources are very important to pay attention to. Learning how to paraphrase and summarize will be a large part of how I write my paper, so it was helpful to read about the best ways to do that. Overall, this chapter gave me very useful reminders about how to format my paper in the best way possible. Although he (Ballenger) gave some opinions that I may not agree with, I found that a lot of his techniques will help me conduct a high quality research paper.
Quickwrite 10/18
One thing that I have taken from Chapter 3 is how to not plagiarize. I learned that even if you rephrase another's thought, you still have to cite that it was that person's idea, but you don't put it in quotes. There were also tips that showed how to cite someone's work within your paper.
Quickwrite 10/18
I did not read Chapter three. I read the rest of Chapter two. I am a couple days behind on the reading.
Quickwrite 10/18
I feel like my topic might not have enough quality experients performed on it, and so I liked how the author listed some more advanced searching techniques. I learned to search through the bibliographies of my sources if I'm stuck and need some more supportive research. Podcasts are another option if I need more information. I never even thought about using them before, but since they're very popular these days they might have some good info.
QW 10-18-11
I have actually already started doing one of these things and it is very useful. In my initial research I had read two or so paragraphs and then I would write about my thoughts and some ideas I had about the subject in my head. I liked that it said that it would make things go more efficiently in the long run. That is what appealed to me so I figured I would try it. It also makes reading the articles more enjoyable. The reading also talked a lot about citations but I had learned a lot about citations in previous classes.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Quickwrite 10/11
somthing that this chapter talks about that i will use in my reserch paper is developing a plan to organize my reserch. starting with credible online databases and to serch for discussion grooups. then head to the library and look at texts.
Quickwrite 10/11
In this chapter there is very useful information on how to look for your research. In the text, it explained how to gather quality information. It also told how to research better on google, there was a how-to guide in the book. The pyramid structure was also very helpful in categorizing general knowledge and specialized knowledge.
The Curious Researcher Quickwrite 10/11
One thing that I found to be useful in chapter two of The Curious Researcher was the chart that mapped out how to determine a legitimate website. There were several questions and depending on whether you answered yes or no, the website was legitimate to cite. I found this helpful because in the past I have had trouble determining whether I should use certain websites as sources in my papers, and this outlined should help clear up that problem for me.
Sabrina Salome.
Sabrina Salome.
Quickwrite 10/11
From Chapter 2 I learned how to properly search for information on search engines on the internet like Google. In order to get the best result for what you are looking for you have to be very specific in the terms you a searching for. For example, if you are looking for information about how to make cruises more attractive for youths, don't just type in "cruises", but "cruises for youths". This was very helpful for me and I am going to apply that on my paper.
Quickwrite 10/11
Using the Bolean search connector will definitely come in handy. For past research papers, I was always overwhelmed with how many results I'd get back after typing in what I thought were really specific keywords. Using connector words like "and" and "not" will be very useful. In the example in the book, the guy was able to narrow down a search from like 200,000 results to about 350. All he did was put words in quotations and use connector words. Finding legit articles for my disciplinary literacies paper will be a lot easier.
Chapter 2 of the Curious Researcher
From chapter 2 I learned to have many sources and to know whether they are primary sources or secondary sources. Primary source is the writer himself, secondary is talking of someone elses writing. This will help when citing my sources so that I don't end up citing and giving credit to the wrong person.
chapter 2 ballenger
i wasnt able to read all of chapter two because i didnt know it was due today. from what i did read thiough, i learned the importance of using your materials such as google as an online resource. you should always do research before an action of writing on a topic, or in ballengers case, researching prices on a birding pair of binoculars. knowing your information prior to writing your paper is crucial. discussion groups online are also available but you should be careful to check the validity of the info posted online. your thesis should always be arguable so you can back up your argument with information in order to come to a conclusion.
Quick Write Tuesday, October 11
One thing that I have taken from this chapter is how to better use search engines when doing research. It is best to just skim over the top few results, as they will pertain most to what you are doing. Also, even if they are chatrooms, they can be helpful.
OCT 11 2011
One thing that I found helpful was the strategies he presented for for conducting interviews. They included face to face interviews and e-mail interviews, which can be much more realistic now a days with all the technology and limited time we have. Of course, just like every chapter he begins with his little anecdotes which makes it more entertaining but I think its stupid because it distracts from the explanation of the topic.
Quickwrite 10/11
Something I can take away from Chapter 2 of The Curious Researcher is how to properly search a topic online. It is always important to use accurate sources that are written by people who know what they are talking about. Another important thing I learned is that I should try to complement all the online searches I do with library sources.
QuickWrite 10/11
In this cahpater, I learned how to obtain the source or information for disciplinary literacies paper. Actually, i was just looking for the information with internet but the book showed that book could be more useful and had more information that i would need. according to the book has some examples of using sources of internet, books or others, i could understand and learned well through this book.
Blogpost 10/11
One thing I learned from Chapter 2 of The Curious Researcher is how to research a topic correctly online. I learned that you should use the words AND and NOT when researching online. This way, you'll only get information you want. It narrows your search. You can also use parenthesis around words in your search. Google or another search engine, will search those words first to narrow your search even more. I will definitely use this method when looking for articles online. The book also showed a study of how online articles and library articles compare. Google articles have a lot of information in them but they could also be out of date. The library is the best place to look for information.
Chapter 2 in The Curios Researcher by Bruce Ballenger was very helpful because it told us what makes a great essay. Some things that I found were the most useful that I didn't know existed were search engines such as Altavista/ask/bing/ Also something called Metasearch that the computer would skim over the top results and give you the basic examples of it; this are dogpile,mamma and Also it talked about discussion groups that you can do on any topic of your choice, I thought that this was very helpful if I were to get stuck on something.
Some other great tips that I got out of this chapter were how find a book in the college library. That most colleges use letters and numbers. A thesis is very important and you must make sure it is arguable, and that you are testing assumptions.
Some other great tips that I got out of this chapter were how find a book in the college library. That most colleges use letters and numbers. A thesis is very important and you must make sure it is arguable, and that you are testing assumptions.
quick write 10/11
I found the way to identify valuable sources would be helpful for me. I thought the chart really helped me to understand how to choose articles that will give me good and most likely truthful information. I found in interesting that you should always look to see if it has an author. If the author is nonexistent it will most likely not be as useful. There are other important things to look for as well like: government, peer revisions, educational organizations, etc. If the article you are looking at does not say yes to any of these things, then it is most likely not a credible source.
October 11 Blogpost
One thing that I will take from chapter 2 is that I'm going to use a variety of sources. Ballenger made it clear that you should not stick to one specific source; like the internet. Hopefully I will be able to obtain books and journals that will give me information on my research topic. Even though the Internet is the easiest source to use, some of the information is unreliable. Books provide you with more in depth information.
QW 10-11-11
The thing that I most took away from this chapter is the way to narrow down your search on online databases. The many times I have used Ebsco Host, I have nearly always run into issues of not finding "the right stuff." But with these tips it will be a lot easier to narrow things down and get stuff I actually need. It was also very nice to have another source that says that Ebsco Is a good, credible source. Finally, it was nice to know that it won't look good if I only use one source, which I have had a tendency to do in previous papers.
quickwrite 10/11
One thing that I took from chapter two of The Curious Researcher was that it is important to make contacts if I wanted to include an interview in my paper, which is something I am considering. I am going to have to find a pediatric nurse to answer some questions I may have about my research topic, and this chapter talked about ways in which I could establish important contacts and how to go about interviewing them. The tips given were helpful, such as don't ask loaded questions or questions that are too vague.
quickpost 10/11
I thought there were two sections that were really helpful one section was on how to decide whether internet sources are trustworthy enough to be used in a research paper. I thought the flowchart that was provided was especially helpful to eliminate sites as well as look at ones that may be questionable.
The other part that I found helpful was how to write a thesis. I have always had trouble writing one. One thing is to look at the type of paper that you are writing will affect the type of thesis that you write.
quick write 10/11
I learned that sources are not just sources but can be either primary or secondary. The primary being direct from the source while the secondary is not. With the different sources you can never have enough information but you should use primary sources more because they are more powerful. You should also vary your source choices such as getting some information from the internet some from books and the like.
Quickwrite 10/11
Despite not reading the entire chapter, one thing I will take from chapter 2 of The Curious Researcher will be how to find good information. I will not use websites without authors or even wikipedia. I will look at library's so I can find books and even magazine articles. That is about all I got from this chapter.
Quickwrite 10/11
I learned how to research my topic online using Google. I will make sure to search for specific articles about my topic and make sure that the sites I get my information on are legitimate.
QuickWrite 10/11
I have learned the differences between primary and secondary sources, and that primary sources are usually more powerful when used, since they come directly from the source. Another helpful suggestion that I took from this chapter is that you can never have too much information. You shouldn't have an overload of facts and information in your paper, but you should be gather as much factual content when you are in your researching stage. Too much is always better than not enough.
Quickwrite 10/11
One thing that i took from this chapter is how to find reliable sources. It went into depth about how to find quality and varied sources on the web. The chart on page 65 was really helpful as to how to determine when to use a source or not. Typically if there is no author and the website looks questionable i would not use the site, this chart showed me when else it would appropriate to not use a source. This will help me on my Disciplinary Literacies paper because research is really going to be the foundation of the paper. Having reliable sources would make the best paper possible and allow me to be successful in my findings.
Blogpost 10/11
From chapter 2, i have learned that searching on the internet (specifically google) can be useful as there is a lot of information and sources that will pop-up. The only problem with google is that a lot of the information is not very useful or reliable. That is where you can go to a library and find articles that are accurate and reliable. The only problem with libraries is that they are more time consuming, and there isn't as much information as the internet.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Mr. Jobs
Usually speeches are all the same- motivational and cheesy. But I thought this speech was a lot different. I thought he was great with words, and was very uplifting in a bit of a cool way. To think that his life was cut short and he contributed so much to the world, and still had more to offer, makes me wanna get up and make something of myself. The fact that he took a gamble and dropped out of school and still was extremely successful is very comforting to me, since I'm undecided with my major and career. I loved how he ended his speech with "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."
Steve Job's speach reaction.
I thought it is interesting that he is telling these students at there graduation that the best decision of his life was to drop out of collge. i really liked his statement about how everything will turn out alright cause i feel very similar about my life and seeing that someone as successful as him has a similar philosophy is very encouraging. I had no idea that hes was the founder of so many comapanies.
Mr. Jobs's Speech
I was very impressed with his speech. Connecting the dots was my favorite part, since I also believe in doing what you want to in life. If you were to go to college and take courses that didn't interest you, where would you be? Probably a job that doesn't interest you. I think stay hungry, stay foolish is a bad ass quote. Stay hungry to me means that you should always be on the lookout for your next meal a.k.a the next opportunity. Stay foolish, to me, means to stay loose and be creative.
Blogpost on Steve Job's speech
Steve Job's speech in front of the Stanfort University graduates in 2005 was very inspirational, motivating and just beautiful. Even though he is such a successful and rich person, it seems like he really stayed down to earth. He did a lot for the computer and electronic entertainment industry and never stopped doing what he really loved to do. Even though the speech was like 15 minutes long, it felt like it was only 5 minutes long, because makes you want to listen to him, by what he is saying and how he is saying it. I think with his death, the world not only lost a hell of a brain, but also just a great human being.
Video Quickwite 10/06
I actually didn't think I'd be interested in this at all, but after watching, I thought his speech was amazing and powerful. He kind of used some cheesy quotes in there, but I'm a sucker for those so I thought it added to it. I think it was incredibly inspirational over all and I liked the message he was portraying, that if you follow your heart and do what you love, everything will be certain to work out.
QW 10-6-11
As I watched the clip about Steve Jobs I found it interesting that he guarantees that you will be successful if you never stop trying for it. Now whether or not this is true that is irrelevant because it amazes me to see how many people give up after there first failure. He could have given up but he continued and look where it brought him. It's as if his life was pre-planned out. It actually goes along very nicely with a quote that I think of when bad things happen. The quote is that everything happens for a reason.
Steve Job's Speech
What a motivational speech. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. He had a million sayings to chose from, but he took one from the back of a 1960 earth catalog. I fell if anyone has lived life, and found meaning to it, and then presents a quote to live by, it must be a good one. It must be the key to life is the way i see it. So many successful people say that you must simply work hard, want something, and go after it, thats it! People call Steve the greatest thinker of our generation and so if i had to take advice from anyone it would be him. What an honor it must have been to apart of that graduating class that was being spoken to by Steve Jobs. I hope i will have a cool speaker for my graduation from college
steve's jobs video response
Steve's speech was one of the best motivational speeches i have ever heard, read, or encounter in my life. There are so many things that will stay with me from just hearing it. "Stay hungry Stay foolish" is a very meaningful saying that i think we should all live by. my understanding of the saying is simply stay hungry for more never settle with just anything always want to best and some. Second half, "Stay foolish", simply ment to always be willing to learn, make mistakes, and take risk.....
Steve jobs 10/6
I thought this was a very well spoken speech. I have always thought that using life lessons to teach others is the most productive way to get through to someone. It really spoke to me because over the past couple of days I have been having a lot of doubt as to whether I am on the right path here at MSU. I feel like I am closing myself off to so many opportunities by having such a selective major, zoology. His idea that everything falls into place later in life really spoke to me. It makes me feel like I can relax and just concentrate on my life at this moment and not on my life later.
QuickWrite 10/6
I believe that the speech that Steve Jobs gave was very inspiring to say the least. His personal story of how he achieved his success was very interesting, but his views on how someone should live his/her life was very motivational. His views on death were very positive and surprising, considering the fact that he was diagnosed with cancer. Using death as motivation is something that I feel is very important and can relate to. I have always felt that we, as humans, only have one conscious life on this planet, and that we should never take the fact that we have been given the gift of life for advantage. I could relate to some of his viewpoints, because I believe I share similar thoughts on life. I felt more comfortable with being at college after listening to him explain that it isn't a problem that I don't know exactly what I want to do with my life.
Reaction to speech
I agree with most of the things that Steve Jobs was saying in his speech. He was saying that things happen for a reason. I am shocked that he actually got fired from the company he originally started, this proves that the future is unexpected and plans are only plans.I agree with his philosophy of death as well.
Quickwrite 10/6 Steve Jobs
I think Steve Jobs was truly an inspiration for all and it is a shame he is no longer with us. Obviously I know he is very technological but he also was able to write an excellent speech. The students of Standford were lucky to hear him speak. His stories of his struggles were crafted beautifully and illustrated a strong message of perseverance and to find what you love in life without ever settling.
10/6 Blogpost
I found Steve Jobs' commencement speech to be very inspirational. It was also very erie because he alluded to his Cancer and how it was cured. I most likely will re watch it. It made me think about how important it is to do what you want to do no matter what. A lot of people do things for the money, but it is much more important to do what makes you truly happy.
Quickwrite 10/6 Steve Jobs Speech
I think that Steve Jobs' speech was very interesting and creative. In this video he talked about one of the greatest pieces of advice he had ever received was to "live each day as if it's your last" and that every morning he thinks about that quote and makes sure that he is doing something he is happy doing. I think that this is a very important quote to live by. This is major foreshadowing given the circumstances of his death yesterday.
Thursday, October 6th Quickwrite
I am very touched my Jobs' speech. He really does tell it as he see's it, and his insight into life is second to none. I can agree with every point he made, and after hearing the speech, try to implement some of what he said into my life. I especially appreciated the parts that he said about life and death. Due to the death of my father, the parts where he talked about living like it may be your last really got to me. I hope that I can one day have as much insight into life and death as Jobs.
Steve Jobs
This was one of the most inspiring videos I have ever seen. Steve Jobs went through a very difficult life that lead to being very successful. He experienced the very ups and downs that life has to offer. For a motivational speech this was outstanding and im sure inspired a lot of people. I had never really thought about who r what type of person he Steve was until his recent death and then after this video. I now have a better understanding to who he is and what he has done to our generation and the effect it will have on the generations to come.
Blogpost 10/6
Steve Jobs talked about his experience with college and the highs and lows of his life. He explained how dropping out of college may have been the best thing he could have done. He found what he really loved to do and applied himself to it. This gave me comfort in my life to come. I am nervous that i won't find what i want to do for the rest of my life, but i think that it will come to me in the near future. I don't need a set plan right now, and i know that failure can be extremely helpful.
This speech was very inspirational, It made me feel better about not knowing exacluty what I want to do in the future. When he said "some how your heart and intutiiton knows exaclty what you want to do with your life, stop living in someones elses shadows" made me more comfortable with having my major undecided because it will all work out in the future.
Blogpost 10/6
I think Steve Jobs speech was very ironic yet motivation. It's ironic today because he talks about death and he just died, but motivational because he's used to living his life on the limb. He tells the students to go out and live your life as if you don't have a tomorrow. That is what he had to do battling cancer. I think it was smart for Stanford to have someone like that speak at a commencement. The purpose is to motivate the students. Although he didn't go to college, he was a very intellectual man. He got that way by pushing himself to learn his own way. He allowed himself to learn what he thought to be important. And in the long run, it worked well for him.
Steve Jobs
My reaction to this video is that Steve Jobs was truly an intelligent man that contributed a lot to our society. As most of us here are sitting on our MacBooks or texting on our iPhones he really changed the technology available to us today. I thought his speech was very thought out and intellectual. All of the points he made could be applied to everyones life and are very wise words. I like how he ended it with stay hungry stay foolish because who would have known that a college drop-out created the thing that i am typing this blog post on.
Steve Jobs 10/6
I was surprised when i heard his death. He died after helping to design Iphon4s and new system Io5. After I watched Youtube, I was surprised again. his speech was amazing and well orgnized. Actually, He talked about his 3 stories; born, love and losss, and death. I was impressed what he thought about death. i believe that lots of people miss him
This speech was extremely motivational and even a little emotional! Steve talked about how there is no way to connect the dots too early in life, because nothing is going to make sense. You have to let things play out for themselves, because you can't always control what happens. However, it is important to take control of the things that you can, and steer them the way you want to, because that is the only way you will ever be satisfied. I liked the quote about how you should live every day as if it were your last, because someday it will be your last, and if you are lucky enough, or you have worked hard enough, you will be happy to be doing whatever it is you're doing on your last day alive.
Steve Jobs Quick Write
I really enjoyed what Steve Jobs told the graduating class at Stanford University. He explained that even though he has many faults and failures, he still came out on top. Through love, determination, and a dream, Steve Jobs was able to change the entire world. As I was walking home from class yesterday I heard that Steve Jobs had died. Immediately I checked my iPhone in order to see if everything was true. Steve Jobs created the technology that I was using to check his own death with. It seems kind of shocking knowing that he could have brought so much more to the world, but for what he did bring, I thank him for it. RIP Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs
I really enjoyed his speech. I think it was inspirational to just let your intuition guide you. It was interesting how he is so successful, but never went to college. I liked that he just always knew how he felt, and showed up to the things he wanted to do. Most people aren't brave enough to do that. They will stay in school and get a job they may not care for, all for the security of the matter. It was nice to know that even though he got fired, things still turned around for him. I think that it is always important to keep hope, and Steve Jobs definitely touched on that in his speech.
Quickwrite 10/6
Steve Jobs gave a very informational speech to the students on how to look ahead. Every story he gave connected to how he got through his life. Even though having the educational background will help with our future, he stated do what you love and it will benefit greatly.
steve jobs speech
i absolutely loved this speech. ive always adored the people that tell me to do what i love instead of "follow the money". his speech was one of not only hope but of wise advice as well. it is a shame he had to die at such a young age, but it was his time. he had been back-stabbed, lied, to and lived a pretty uncomfortable life in his college drop-in years, but it never kept him from doing what he loved and being successful. i havent lived the most comfortable life and i find inspiration from a man who has come so far from what seemed hell at one point to him. we all have our bumps in the road and what some see as "insurmountable tasks" to do, but we can get past it and learn to love to live.
Reaction to Steve Jobs
I think what you should get from this speech is to find what you love to do and do it. No matter what. Through the failures the successes and everything else. Also to do everything as if you have nothing lose, because you are going to die someday. I feel like its very true. You only have one life and why should you waste it? Even if living is crappy your life will be good if you are in love with everything that you are doing. I really liked what he said at the end "Stay hungry. Stay foolish" because i find a strange rightness to it. If you are hungry you will always seek something to sate you. There is no man that will not seek for food while he is starving. And the stay foolish means to not learn that someone can stop you. To not learn that thier might be something in the way, because if you don't doubt yourself then there can be no way to stop you. Doubt is the killer of human innovation.So i think we should stay hungry and always strive for more, and stay foolish and let nothing push us down.
Quickwrite 10/6
all the racial issues that are happening at MSU are out of line I think and everyone i have talked to feel the same way. After hearing everyone in class share what they thought, I couldnt agree more. I hope it stops and everyone does i think. I come from a small town so this never happened but now im here at MSU and im shocked.
quickwrite 10/6/11
I think that people should be alowed to think, feel, and say whatever they like. That being said people should not be alowed to use there freedom of speach to intimidate and take away the rights of others. These types of thing are usually just jokes and they are left as just words on a board but in this case it seems to me thatthe person responsible took this alittle to far. frankly i hope that they do get in trouble with the police so that they learn when to give it a break.
Blogpost 10/06
When i heard the racial issue in MSU, I couldnt belive that how racism happened in MSU. It made me sick. Also, i heard that little racial issues happened in dorm rarely. These kinds of racism is never going to happen in MSU
Comment on "Racial incidents on campus"
When I first heard about it I was really shocked, because I have not met anyone here, who I would think could do something like that. Also I do not think that any of their friends would be capable of doing stuff like that. But I guess because MSU is such a large and diverse campus there are always some idiots that think that because of their heritage they are something better. As a german, I know what racial discrimination is all about and I am strictly against it. I dont care if someone is a Jew,a Muslim or A Christian, as long as he is a nice guy. It does not matter where you come from, what skin color you have or which religion you belong to. Every human should have the same rights, privileges and amount of personal freedom.
Racial Incidents on Campus
The beginning of the letter wasn't a big surprise to me. In my opinion graffiti is everywhere and it doesn't surprise me when it involves racial or sexual content. What did catch my attention is when the graffiti on the door was talked about. I feel that when grafting someones door, you are clearly singling them out. This, to me, seems like a racial attack.
the e-mail
The incidents with racial issues are very disturbing. I was kind of uneasy when I read the e-mail. It really doesn’t make sense to me why people do these kinds of things. It upsets me because when you look at MSU as a community, these are the kinds of things that will characterize us as a school. Even though it may only be a few people or a lot of people, it doesn’t mean that everyone has issues with this. Reading the e-mail made me feel discouraged and disappointed in people that have such immaturity and unneeded hatred.
Quickwrite 10/6
After hearing about this even I am truly disgusted that someone at this university would think that would be any bit okay or humorous. I pity very much the person that this happened to and could only imagine how they must feel. The carrying out of this act just shows ignorance and stupidity.
I found the e-mail to be disappointing. We as a country have come so far over the past 100 years and it is ridiculous that some people still feel the same way about African Americans. As disturbing as it is, it also is not surprising. Some people just like to be different. Some people just like to cause a commotion. They absolutely should be punished for what they wrote.
Racial Violence Response Quickwrite 10/06
Honestly I didn't read the email very thoroughly. I saw the jist of it and deleted it. Not because I don't care or I don't feel like it matters, but more because my high school had it's fair share of racial problems and I know there's nothing that I can do personally about these particular incidents. If I didn't partake and don't know who did the vanadlizing, I can't very well help in any way. I was a little surprised to find things like that happening here, in all honestly, because I assumed we at MSU would be a little more open-minded than that.
Racial Incidents Response
After reading the email i felt very disappointed with people that make decisions to deface school property for the sole reason of hurting other students. I find it very immature and inconsiderate that people would do this. You would think that going to college you would find mature, educated people but this incident reflects the opposite. Im glad that the school did not take this incident lightly and informed everyone that this is not an okay thing to do. Diversity is a great thing to have in a University and i don't understand why people would be so upset as to graffiti dorms in response to the intimidation of different cultures.
MSU incidents
Im not really sure what happened, but I know that there have been incidents that have occurred in our MSU campus involving discrimination. It makes me sick to think that there are people out there who still are discriminating against people of another color. I have been around a diverse set of friends ever since I can remember. It makes me think that they only reason people do inappropriate things like this is because they are not familiar or used to being in a diverse place such as MSU, but this gives them no excuse for their actions.
I am pretty unaware of the situation in terms of specifics, so I cannot give a real detailed analysis of the incident. I feel that freedom of speech should always be protected, but when words escalate into intimidation and probable crisis, then matters should be taken more seriously. Discrimination reflects the character of the one who is portraying it, so they should be the individual judged and punished. Punishment could be the simple act of the negative reflection on one's character, but if words can cause to turn into harmful actions then legal steps should probably be taken.
RACISM WTF!!1 10/6/11
Lez be honest. Racism isn't cool. I like to laugh at racist jokes but that is the extent. When people are publicly humiliating others and making them feel insuperior or hated against, that shit aint right. You feel me homies? I really despise people that are racist. I grew up in a white folk town, everyone was racist and thought white people were the best, and they used the statistics of low crime, and high grades to show that racism was valid. It was sad and i really couldn't do much about it. I see racism and display of slanderous terms all over my dorm and sometimes i find it funny when between me and friend, but when an outside audience sees those things it can be damaging. I hope this ends soon.
For the past few ddays there has been some racist activities going on, on the michigan state campus. one thing that i heard about and was comfirmed to have happen was a girl having someone write on her door, "NO NIGGERS PLEASE." when i first heard this i was actually shocked. i guess i was shocked because i wanted to believe that racisism was dead. some more shocking information i recieved was from an african-american girl on campus, whom i know, actually is disturbbed by the situation. in fact she finds it funny.....
Blogpost on recent happenings on campus
I think that the graffiti with racial/ethnic slurs is horrible. I am friends with a lot of people of different races and i could see how upset they would be if they found that type of stuff posted on their doors. It's also hard to imagine being in the victim's shoes. It would be a horrible feeling.
As for the other graffiti that wasn't racial, i feel like that type of graffiti happens all of the time. I don't know exactly what was written/drawn but I've seen a lot of different graffiti on people's doors and it doesn't seem to bother many people. It doesn't bother me because most of the time I know it is just someone who is intoxicated drawing on people's whiteboards.
Racial Problems
I feel like this is a problem but that people will not be able to change for some time still, because it is all just human nature. When someone feels threatened in any way whether it be intellectually or physically they will react, and based off common knowledge and the history of things if there is a difference of race or belief style then that is the easiest thing to exploit. In California this problem is rampant because of the high density of different cultures, so it doesn't come as any shock to me that it is happening here. I personally don't like it but there is nothing i can do about it. I didn't see it and had not heard any of it here until that email. In fact the only racial things i have heard about here was me talking to my roommate about how cool the Japanese are and about how more advanced they are technologically and culturally, as can be seen by their recent nuclear crisis and by their basic television.
Racial Violence
Receiving that e-mail about the racial violence that has been occurring on the MSU campus was extremely sad to me. It is surprising that people can be so immature and try and make people feel badly about themselves. There is no reason for it other than to try and hurt people, which to me, is completely unnecessary. I hope that whoever was participating in this incident has realized how serious their racism was and never does it again. No matter what people believe, they should not be able to voice their offensive opinions so strongly and brutally. It does nothing but offend innocent people, and sometimes it does much worse than that.
Blogpost on Racism
I was disgusted with the incidents that have happened recently. To think that someone could be this cruel and crazy to go through with something like this is insane. I've talked to people in my hall and they all have the same reaction on it. I don't want this school to be looked at differently because of stupid and immature action. I hope these racist occurrences cease and things get cleared up.
Racial Violence Response
It was really sad and disappointing to get that email. Racial violence is something that I feel everyone has been trying so hard to push past, and to see people committ these very ignorant and mean acts is sickening. It's frustrating when you think people are getting better and making progress when it comes to issues like racism, and then incidents like this happen right in your own dorm hall. It really angers me, and the fact that the university's president mentioned how she hasn't seen violent acts like this in a very long time is just unbelievable.
discussion/racial events
when i first heard of these events by my friends i thought it was just another rumor spreading around campus, but when i received the email from the president, i knew it was more serious than i thought. i never thought there was much racism on a campus of over 47,000 kids with countless nationality and cultural backgrounds. i see no point to the hateful actions taken by those people because we can no longer move on if we keep dwelling on past feelings.
Blogpost on Racism
I was very saddened when I read the email about racism being a problem on campus. I wasn't aware of it happening at Michigan State. I've never heard any comments being inappropriate. I'd assume there'd be some because we are such a diverse campus but I was happy that I had never heard any. My roommate and I discussed the recent news and she said she heard that it happened weeks ago. Whether this is true or not I don't know. Why MSU waited to make the news public is beyond my knowledge. I think they should've came out with it instead of hiding it. I heard that they made it public after some students went to the news about it. If they would've made students aware of it right after it happened I think it would've made a bigger affect on the campus.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Quikwrite 10/4
3rd question: In the last paragraph the author claims, that systems such as "Voice Massaging Systems" are highly inefficient. He states several reasons for that. We as customers want immediate help to solve a problem and due to the fact, that every human is different, we also have different kinds of problems. Sometimes a computer simulated assistant can help you solve the problem, but sometimes you just need a real person to figure out a solution for the problem. Going to 20 minutes of a computer voice asking you questions about problems you do not actually have can be really frustrating, especially when you need emergent help. Therefore a computer-voice controlled customer service can be very inefficient in terms of customer satisfaction.
Quickwrite 10/04
"The author claims that the systems are highly inefficient. Explain his rationale in your own words."
In my opinion, he is correct. Everyone has called somewhere, even somewhere as simple as a store only to get a machine operated response that takes ten minutes explaining your options, when your question doesn't fall under any of the categories. Where as if you had been talking to a real person, they would have already heard and answered your question by that point. Most people try to get through the automated answering machine and to the real people in the store anyway. These setbacks and inconveniences make replacing real people with machines more inefficient than helpful.
In my opinion, he is correct. Everyone has called somewhere, even somewhere as simple as a store only to get a machine operated response that takes ten minutes explaining your options, when your question doesn't fall under any of the categories. Where as if you had been talking to a real person, they would have already heard and answered your question by that point. Most people try to get through the automated answering machine and to the real people in the store anyway. These setbacks and inconveniences make replacing real people with machines more inefficient than helpful.
quickwrite 10/4
logic #3
in the last paragraph the author uses key words to describe the voice messaging we all encounter, like the words "depressing" and "passive". these words are key because we all know how boring and frustrating it is when we cant talk to real people who will understand our thinking and emotion when talking. the computer voice is something that once was efficient in cutting cost, but it also cut jobs....yea good job corporate world. but now the outcry for a real person to talk to has been heard and the companies that now have live operators are the ones who not only care about their customer but also the ones who wish to keep customers returning.
in the last paragraph the author uses key words to describe the voice messaging we all encounter, like the words "depressing" and "passive". these words are key because we all know how boring and frustrating it is when we cant talk to real people who will understand our thinking and emotion when talking. the computer voice is something that once was efficient in cutting cost, but it also cut jobs....yea good job corporate world. but now the outcry for a real person to talk to has been heard and the companies that now have live operators are the ones who not only care about their customer but also the ones who wish to keep customers returning.
Quickwrite 10/4
2. In paragraph two the author implies that the systems promote a false efficiency. What is the rationale of efficiency as far as his opponents, supporters of the systems, are concerned?
They say that these systems are efficient because from the companies prospective they are highly efficient. Instead of hiring a bunch of customer service agents to answer the phones and help people, the company can buy one automated answering system and program it to do the jobs of all those customer service agents. Thus saving the company a fortune in wages. Making it highly efficient as far as profits are concerned.
They say that these systems are efficient because from the companies prospective they are highly efficient. Instead of hiring a bunch of customer service agents to answer the phones and help people, the company can buy one automated answering system and program it to do the jobs of all those customer service agents. Thus saving the company a fortune in wages. Making it highly efficient as far as profits are concerned.
quick write 10/4
The system of voice service/messaging isn't efficient. The author states in the essay that when a customer,the most "important" factor in business, calls in with a problem it has strong possibility of not getting answered. Without an actual human searching accurately for a direct answer the customer loses interest in that company and leaves in search of a place that's more one-on-one. Human interaction is more today.
Quickwrite 10/4
Prompt #1: I agree that it can turn into a dangerous system. As of now dealing with a tiny problem can take a chunk out of your day, don't forget that it's a frustrating chunk. If this voice messaging system moves it way to 911 (like the author said) or to the doctor's office it can become dangerous. People rely on these systems to be as fast as possible. Sometimes a matter of minutes saved could be life and death.
Quickwrite 10/4
In paragraph two of the essay the author discusses his claims and leads the reader to think that the systems promote a false efficiency. The author's opponents rationale behind the systems being efficient comes down to conserving manpower and maximizing profits. While consumers dislike these inefficient systems more and more everyday supporters of these systems are happy to see maximum profit by using a computer instead of a human being.
Quickwrite 10/4 Logic question 3
The author in the last paragraph talks about how inefficient the answering machines are for companies, and then gives examples of companies that have caught on. I think that in some situations, depending on the company or location, there shouldn’t be a machine that answers the customer's call. In most cases however there is a need for the machine to answer the phone so that companies like Comcast don’t get bombarded with random questions in every category. These questions have to be sorted through and sent to someone who can answer them.
So I agree with him to a certain degree with small businesses and emergency calls that these should be kept to humans answering the phones, but I think big companies have to have machines answering their calls.
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