Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Curious Researcher
I`m going to put new post after reading.
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The Curious Researcher
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The Curious Researcher 9/29/11
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
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as far as his point goes i dont think that will become a real problem because there is always going to be that human curiosity causing people to want to learn and exchange ideas. Its kindof like what the speaker on TED was talking about when he brought up the coffee house. The larger the web the more that ideas are going to mingle and create better ideas and move things forward.
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"Alone With My Email" 9/27/11
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Alone with my Email Quickwrite 9/27
Alright well this may be completely inaccurate, but the last two paragraphs give the internet a very bleak outlook. Whereas the internet as of now is more of a community itself, this future internet is painted as something that detracts from community. However I can see how someone might predict something like this - how the internet may de-evolve into something that is merely a stack of thoughts and opinions that nobody is reading, because they are too busy compiling their own, detracting from the sense of community.
QW 9-27-11
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-Becca Bazinski
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
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September 27 post
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
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Her rhetorical choices in her CV was that she listed education first and awards. this list showed that how she valued her works. Also, her CV reflected her philosophy by she listed work courses with langueges
Discovering the power of language 9/22
-Jeff Morton, Connor Grossman, & Carlos McSwain Jr
Malcom X QuickWrite
-We believe that death may be a subject that can be difficult to explain in words, since everyone that is alive is distant from the actual feelings of the matter.
-During an interview you may find that you struggle with using the “right” words when talking to the employer.
-In language classes you have to give an oral exam and that can be frustrated if you are foreign to the language.
-We thought that it was interesting that he taught himself the American language and usage of proper grammar/punctuation. He used the dictionary as a teacher and became intrigued with learning the words and definitions of modern English. He described the dictionary as a "mini-encyclopedia," since it gives information in the definitions.
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Arts Group
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Malcolm X
It's really impressive to me how Malcolm X immediately solved his problem and frustrations of not being able to communicate well. Copying the dictionary sounds really extreme to me, but I guess I understand his actions if his vocabulary was that limited. In high school, I had an incident where I wasn't able to express fully what I wanted to get across to others. We were having class debates, which I'm usually pretty good at. But my opponent had a list of points and she was firing one after another at me, and I completely froze. My responses weren't very educated, and they were based more on emotion. I couldn't keep up with her vocabulary enough to make a decent counterargument. I lost the debate really quickly. I had all the thoughts in my head, but I just couldn't spit them out into something formal and logical. Although my incident is a lot less extreme, it still is similar to Malcolm's issue and frustrations.
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Reading and writing, as well as language, can allow someone to experience a world they never knew existed before. To broaden your vocabulary and understanding of words is to broaden your thought capability. to know more is to be able to think more. freedom is being able to understand and think freely with no "writer's blocks" or "dead ends".
Language is liberating by allowing us to express to others what is on our mind through a medium that all can understand (hat is if it's in the same language).
Yes, definitely, we can become a prisoner in our own language. I wrote about this argument titled the "Great Gadamer-Habermas Debate" in which two philosophers argued over whether or not Thought and Language can exist without the other. Thought can never be pure without a medium. this debate definitely changed my way of thinking and that is one of the philosophcal arguments that has caused me to pursue an understanding of philosophy and its many read and understand is to allow ourselves to think in ways never before possible.
Malcolm X ? #1 Music Group`
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She used very sterile font in her cv and her paper was written in very sterile language to describe her veiws on the way ethics should be applied
she lists lots of stuff showing backround in bioethics giving her a knowledge of the feild that allowed her veiws to form
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Her rhetorical choices are very limited. She does not use any colors or varies in her fonts. She simply lists all of her experiences. You can conclude from that, that she is either a very uncreative person, or she just does not want the reader to get distracted by fancy decoration. She wants to focus on her experiences.
Considering Virtue Quickwrite 9/22
Her philosophy obviously affects her CV in that her 'areas of specialization' are all areas related to or touched on in her philosophy. Her philosophy is also reflected in that it is listed as a publication and a presentation in her CV, and not only listed, but listed at the top - signifying it's importance and relevance to her. Her CV is set up in a very professional, chronological pattern, which reflects her very scientific and professional piece.
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Thursday, September 22 Quickwrite
Thursday, September 22 Quickwrite
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-Becca Baz
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Her CV is very organized, professional, and straightforward. Her list of courses reflects her philosophy, as well as how she listed education and other headings first.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Quick write 9/20
I think that a CV or resume is argument. This is because these are for arguing that you have skills that company needs and changing employ's mind to hire you.
-Jin Young
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A CV or a resume is an argument as you state your personal strengths in them and try to convince another person of them and lets say hire you.
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Argument is a search for the truth where all parties communicate their ideas and a the truth is sought out.
It is an argument as to why an employer should hire you or a school should accept you. it gives a list of reasons why you are the best person to choose.
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"Everything is an Arguement" Quickwrite 9/20
- What is the difference between arguement and persuasion?
- If everything's an arguement in what way is a CV or resume an arguement?
Everything's an Argument
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- Reffering to the text, they describe almost everything as a argument. Everything simple conversating to writing papers. Persausion is trying to convince someone that your idea or way of thinking is the best for a specific reason. Arguements look at both side and arent trying to sell you on something.
- CV's and resumes are arguments simple because the own/creator of the cv or resume is arguing you that they are the best person for whatever position it may be.
QW 9-20-11
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A CV/resume is an argument in which you are trying to prove to someone you are worthy of employment at an institution or company, or to hold a seat in a course or college.
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A CV or resume is an argument because in this writing it was talking about how almost any type to writing is trying to ague something, even something simple like a school girl poem where its only a few lines was arguing how the role of religion plays in a little girls life. When writing a CV or resume you are trying to argue about your discipline and how you know all about it.
-Becca Baz
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Tuesday, September 20 Quickwrite
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Everything is an Argument 9/20/11
Paper Conferences
Time | Tuesday 10/25 | Thursday 10/27 |
3:00-3:10 | EJ | Sam |
3:10-3:20 | Becca P. | Sebastian |
3:20-3:30 | Alec | Sabrina |
3:30-3:40 | Marissa | Carlos |
3:40-3:50 | Shelby | Matt |
3:50-4:00 | Jin Young | Dugen |
4:00-4:10 | Connor | Sarah |
4:10-4:20 | Ryan | Frank |
4:20-4:30 | Riley | Becca |
4:30-4:40 | Jessica | Sarah |
4:40-4:50 | Brandon | Becca B. |
4:50-5:00 | Russell | Chris |
5:00-5:10 | Nick | John Beers |
5:10-5:20 | Jeff Morton | |
5:20-5:30 |
Thursday, September 15, 2011
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The only way a korean CV differs from an american one is, that they ask you to write if you ever served in the military or not. Just as every other CV it includes educational and work experiences.
Foreign Resumes - Zoology
Spanish Resume; also incredibly similar, required to include a photo of yourself such as with the German resume. However it was not recommended to include a section with your research interests, unlike the American version.
QW 9-15-11
Basically, orchestras use resumes but they can use CVs it really depends on the orchestra you are auditioning for. Vacancy positions are chosen primarily by the audition; the resume is really not important. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra uses a resume while the Berlin Philharmonic uses the CV. In order of importance, a resume requires a header, education, experience, major teachers, chamber/solo experience, awards, audition history, and references. Because music is so “universal,” the guidelines are just about the same worldwide.
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Germen resumes also consist of a picture of yourself, work experience, backround information and things that you are competent in, like computers.
CV in different countries
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In Germany they use CV's.
Write your name and contact information on the back of a passport-style photo. Then attach the photo to the upper right corner of the Lebenslauf, using a paper clip.
Type the date and your current location in the bottom left corner of the Lebenslauf. Then proofread the document. After printing your Lebenslauf, sign the bottom right corner of the last page, next to the date and location.
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I found a page on that explains how they are generally set up
Read more: How to Write a German CV |
In Russia there are a few changes to the typical United States resume. One thing they include is how many languages you know and how many places you have lived. Another area they are interested in was your computer literacy.
- Jeff Morton
German&French Resume/CV
September 15th Quick Write
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German CV required picture, personal informations on the top of page, and any academical and educational experiences.
-Jin Young Lee