Thursday, October 20, 2011

Quickwrite 10/20

I thought that Chapter 4 was very helpful in how to sharpen your thesis so it directly relates to your topic. In my paper i think it would be best if i used a thesis from my hypothesis. It argues that the information you have researched helps prove the topic you've decided on, which is exactly what i plan on doing. This chapter was also helpful because it aids on starting the process of writing your paper, a place where i always run into trouble. Ballinger states many ways in which one can write an interesting lead to have a really strong introduction to your research. His mention about citing sources, adding quotations and ending your paper really will help the biggest chunk of the rough draft process.

1 comment:

  1. This chapter was helpful for a thesis. A thesis is such a huge part of your paper you want to make sure that you do it right. This chapter also did have good tips on starting your paper, which can be a struggle sometimes for me as well. I like that he focused on an interesting lead, it was interesting and I know personally I always like papers that start really cool.
