Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Job's Speech

What a motivational speech. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. He had a million sayings to chose from, but he took one from the back of a 1960 earth catalog. I fell if anyone has lived life, and found meaning to it, and then presents a quote to live by, it must be a good one. It must be the key to life is the way i see it. So many successful people say that you must simply work hard, want something, and go after it, thats it! People call Steve the greatest thinker of our generation and so if i had to take advice from anyone it would be him. What an honor it must have been to apart of that graduating class that was being spoken to by Steve Jobs. I hope i will have a cool speaker for my graduation from college

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a cool speaker for when you graduate from college too. Now just stay out of any more trouble so that you can graduate!
