Thursday, October 6, 2011

Racial Problems

I feel like this is a problem but that people will not be able to change for some time still, because it is all just human nature. When someone feels threatened in any way whether it be intellectually or physically they will react, and based off common knowledge and the history of things if there is a difference of race or belief style then that is the easiest thing to exploit. In California this problem is rampant because of the high density of different cultures, so it doesn't come as any shock to me that it is happening here. I personally don't like it but there is nothing i can do about it. I didn't see it and had not heard any of it here until that email. In fact the only racial things i have heard about here was me talking to my roommate about how cool the Japanese are and about how more advanced they are technologically and culturally, as can be seen by their recent nuclear crisis and by their basic television.

1 comment:

  1. The racism issue on campus is only a small fraction of the bigger picture. Even after more than a hundred and 140 years, there is still inequality and it sickens me. I have family members from many different races and cultures and respect is still the highest virtue all of us can utilize to destroy racism as an idea.
