Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Avoiding Fallacies

The idea for my paper is that having a pet is better for a family then not.

Ad Hominem- If someone states that having a pet does not affect a family. I will not say that they are wrong rather I will say points that prove otherwise.
Stereotyping- I will avoid the stereotypes of the putting the types of pets that certain people have, such as rich people have small dogs just for show.
Faulty Sampling- I would not interview everyone in my neighborhood about how not owning or owning a pet affects them because they all have pets.
Sweeping Generalizations-will not say EVERYONE loves having a pet
False Dilemma- I can't assume that people either have a pet or don't have a pet. A family may have had one and are not ready to get another one.
Pos Hoc/Ergo Propter Hoc-Cannot assume every time someone has a pet they are happy


  1. I think this is a good idea for your last paper because you can use a personal story which I believe makes a better argument and is easier not to use some of those fallacies!

  2. It sounds like your really passionate about this topic and will be able to throw a lot of defenses to your claim. Nice job
