Tuesday, November 15, 2011

stolen remix workshop

Carlos's Video
  1. Subject was clear, esay to tell what the video was about.
  2. More text needed to help protray the knowledge of the writer/composer.
  3. exciting for viewers. addresses the audience well.
  4. needs more work to complete purpose

Jeff"s video

  1. Subject/interest was clear.
  2. shows many aspects of ranch work unknown to some.
  3. Displays ranch work in a way which is interesting/fun for the audience. Keeps the attention of his audience all while displaying his literacy.
  4. need more work to complete purpose.


  1. Easily known topic
  2. need text to help convey what is happening in video.
  3. video is audience friendly. Focuses on what unfamiliar viewer may prefer to see.
  4. needs more work to complete purpose

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