Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12/6 post

I feel as though Margaret Atwood makes a lot of good points, but I think she's not taking into account the times we are in. She makes reference to how good the 40's were, she is just living in the past. It isn't just America that has changed, the rest of the world has as well. I feel her argument is effective because she brought up how America was great, and then how those things changed into negatives. I feel as though it was ineffective because the great things she brought up were about pop culture, and then the negatives mainly pertained to govt. and the economy. There were poor governmental decisions made back in those days as well.


  1. I agree with that, she does not make any reference to other countries. Other countries did bad things too.

  2. Her argument was ineffective in the way the that she does not reference the rest of the world. We are not the only country that is changing and progressing.

  3. She makes really stupid points and contradicts herself a lot. It seems like she doesn't understand what America is and what its role is in the world. Times will never be like they used to be, they are always changing and there is noting wrong with that. She needs to stop living in the past. If she sees something she doesn't like then she should steer us in the right direction but realize times are changing, and she can't bring us back to the past.
