Thursday, December 8, 2011

quickwrite 12/8

I found this reading pretty interesting because it discussed the many forms of language, more specifically the english language. The most effective part, in my opinion, was when the author talked about broken english. It was an interesting term for me, because as she said I never thought of language as something that is fixable. For people not from the United States, they have this problem a lot, where it is difficult to understand them because of their lack of experience of the english language. It was interesting for me to take a closer look at this way of thinking about language.


  1. I think the part when the author talks about different ways to call English that is not perfect. I never actually thought about the fact that you can interpret it as "insulting" if you call this kind of English "broken" or "incomplete."

  2. I agree with your take on this. A lot of my family is from the Czech Republic, so when they moved to America, their accents were really thick once they learned the language. I don't know if I like the term broken english, because it implies that it isn't as acceptable as native english, which I would disagree with, but I can see where she was coming from with this.
